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Postgres guides/Functions/Date / Time functions

Postgres extract() function

Extract date and time components from timestamps and intervals

The Postgres extract() function retrieves specific components (such as year, month, or day) from date/time values where the source is of the type timestamp, date, time or interval.

This function is particularly useful for data analysis, reporting, and manipulating date and time data. For example, it can be used to group data by year, filter records for specific months, or calculate age based on birth dates.

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Function signature

The extract() function has the following form:

extract(field FROM source) -> numeric
  • field: A string literal specifying the component to extract. Valid values include century, day, decade, dow, doy, epoch, hour, isodow, isoyear, microseconds, millennium, milliseconds, minute, month, quarter, second, timezone, timezone_hour, timezone_minute, week, and year.
  • source: The date, time, timestamp, or interval value from which to extract the component.

The function returns a numeric value representing the extracted component.

Example usage

Let's consider a table called events that tracks various events with their timestamps. We can use extract() to analyze different aspects of these events.

  event_name VARCHAR(100),
  event_timestamp TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE

INSERT INTO events (event_name, event_timestamp) VALUES
  ('Conference A', '2024-03-15 09:00:00+00'),
  ('Workshop B', '2024-06-22 14:30:00+00'),
  ('Seminar C', '2024-09-10 11:15:00+00'),
  ('Conference D', '2024-12-05 10:00:00+00'),
  ('Workshop E', '2025-02-18 13:45:00+00');

-- Extract year and month from event timestamps
  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM event_timestamp) AS event_year,
  EXTRACT(MONTH FROM event_timestamp) AS event_month
FROM events
ORDER BY event_timestamp;

This query extracts the year and month from each event's timestamp.

event_name  | event_year | event_month
 Conference A |       2024 |           3
 Workshop B   |       2024 |           6
 Seminar C    |       2024 |           9
 Conference D |       2024 |          12
 Workshop E   |       2025 |           2
(5 rows)

You can use the extracted components for further analysis, filtering, or grouping. For example, we can count the number of events by quarter:

-- Count events by quarter
  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM event_timestamp) AS year,
  EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM event_timestamp) AS quarter,
  COUNT(*) AS event_count
FROM events
GROUP BY year, quarter
ORDER BY year, quarter;

This query groups events by year and quarter, providing a count of events for each period.

year | quarter | event_count
 2024 |       1 |           1
 2024 |       2 |           1
 2024 |       3 |           1
 2024 |       4 |           1
 2025 |       1 |           1
(5 rows)

Advanced examples

Use extract() with different fields

You can use extract() with various fields to analyze different components of timestamps:

WITH sample_data(event_time) AS (
    ('2024-03-15 14:30:45.123456+00'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE),
    ('2024-06-22 09:15:30.987654+00'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE),
    ('2024-11-07 23:59:59.999999+00'::TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE)
  EXTRACT(CENTURY FROM event_time) AS century,
  EXTRACT(DECADE FROM event_time) AS decade,
  EXTRACT(YEAR FROM event_time) AS year,
  EXTRACT(QUARTER FROM event_time) AS quarter,
  EXTRACT(MONTH FROM event_time) AS month,
  EXTRACT(WEEK FROM event_time) AS week,
  EXTRACT(DAY FROM event_time) AS day,
  EXTRACT(HOUR FROM event_time) AS hour,
  EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM event_time) AS minute,
  EXTRACT(SECOND FROM event_time) AS second,
  EXTRACT(MILLISECONDS FROM event_time) AS milliseconds,
  EXTRACT(MICROSECONDS FROM event_time) AS microseconds
FROM sample_data;

This query demonstrates how extract() works with different fields, ranging from century to microseconds.

event_time           | century | decade | year | quarter | month | week | day | hour | minute |  second   | milliseconds | microseconds
 2024-03-15 14:30:45.123456+00 |      21 |    202 | 2024 |       1 |     3 |   11 |  15 |   14 |     30 | 45.123456 |    45123.456 |     45123456
 2024-06-22 09:15:30.987654+00 |      21 |    202 | 2024 |       2 |     6 |   25 |  22 |    9 |     15 | 30.987654 |    30987.654 |     30987654
 2024-11-07 23:59:59.999999+00 |      21 |    202 | 2024 |       4 |    11 |   45 |   7 |   23 |     59 | 59.999999 |    59999.999 |     59999999
(3 rows)

Use extract() with interval data

When working with the INTERVAL type, the extract() function allows you to pull out specific parts of the interval, such as the number of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and so on.

  EXTRACT(DAYS FROM INTERVAL '2 years 3 months 15 days') AS days,
  EXTRACT(HOURS FROM INTERVAL '36 hours 30 minutes') AS hours,
  EXTRACT(MINUTES FROM INTERVAL '2 hours 45 minutes 30 seconds') AS minutes;

This query extracts the specified parts from the interval. Note that the extract function extracts only the value for the specified part in the interval. For example, EXTRACT(DAYS FROM INTERVAL '2 years 3 months 15 days') returns 15 for days, not the total number of days in the interval.

days | hours | minutes
   15 |    36 |      45
(1 row)

Additionally, it should be noted that for non-normalized intervals, the extracted values may not be as expected.

A normalized interval automatically converts large units into their equivalent higher units. For example, an interval of 14 months is normalized to 1 year 2 months because 12 months make a year.

A non-normalized interval keeps the units as specified, without converting to higher units. This is useful when you want to keep intervals in the same unit (like months or minutes) for easier manipulation or calculation.

When extracting values from non-normalized intervals, Postgres returns the remainder after converting to the next higher unit. This can lead to results that might seem counter-intuitive if you expect direct conversion without accounting for normalization.

For example, consider this query and its output:

    EXTRACT(MONTH FROM INTERVAL '32 months') AS months,
    EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM INTERVAL '80 minutes') AS minutes;
months | minutes
      8 |      20
(1 row)

Interval '32 months':

  • A year is composed of 12 months.
  • 32 months can be broken down into 2 years and 8 months (since 32 ÷ 12 = 2 years with a remainder of 8 months).
  • When you EXTRACT(MONTH FROM INTERVAL '32 months'), it returns 8 because that’s the remaining months after accounting for the full years.

Interval '80 minutes':

  • An hour is composed of 60 minutes.
  • 80 minutes can be broken down into 1 hour and 20 minutes (since 80 ÷ 60 = 1 hour with a remainder of 20 minutes).
  • When you EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM INTERVAL '80 minutes'), it returns 20 because that’s the remaining minutes after accounting for the full hour.

Use extract() for time-based analysis

Let's use extract() to analyze user registration patterns for a hypothetical social media application:

CREATE TABLE user_registrations (
  username VARCHAR(50),
  registration_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE

INSERT INTO user_registrations (username, registration_time) VALUES
  ('user1', '2024-03-15 08:30:00+00'),
  ('user2', '2024-03-15 08:45:00+00'),
  ('user3', '2024-03-15 14:20:00+00'),
  ('user4', '2024-03-16 09:15:00+00'),
  ('user5', '2024-03-16 09:30:00+00'),
  ('user6', '2024-03-16 14:30:00+00'),
  ('user7', '2024-03-17 08:45:00+00'),
  ('user8', '2024-03-17 14:10:00+00'),
  ('user9', '2024-03-17 14:25:00+00'),
  ('user10', '2024-03-17 14:50:00+00');

-- Analyze registration patterns by day of week and hour
  EXTRACT(ISODOW FROM registration_time) AS day_of_week,
  EXTRACT(HOUR FROM registration_time) AS hour_of_day,
  COUNT(*) AS registration_count
FROM user_registrations
GROUP BY day_of_week, hour_of_day
ORDER BY day_of_week, hour_of_day;

This query uses extract() to analyze user registration patterns by day of week and hour of day.

day_of_week | hour_of_day | registration_count
           5 |           8 |                  2
           5 |          14 |                  1
           6 |           9 |                  2
           6 |          14 |                  1
           7 |           8 |                  1
           7 |          14 |                  3
(6 rows)

Additional considerations

Performance considerations

For large datasets, consider creating indexes on frequently extracted components to improve query performance:

CREATE INDEX idx_events_year_month ON events (EXTRACT(YEAR FROM event_timestamp), EXTRACT(MONTH FROM event_timestamp));

This creates an index on the year and month components of the event timestamp, which can speed up queries that filter or group by these components.


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